Monday, April 16, 2012

Steve’s American River 50 – Race Report

Steve’s American River 50 – Race Report
Saturday, April 7, 2012

I have never been in better running shape in my life than I was in getting ready for this endeavor.  I have learned the hard way that my body requires more training for things than what may work for other people.  For some, less is more.  For me, it’s the opposite.  So I put in the time and had the fitness level where I’d hoped it would be.  Dealt with tweaky this and tweaky that along the way.  But all systems were “go” for last Saturday.

Had the hydration and nutrition strategy dialed in too.  Critical for an event like this.  Water was easy because the water stops were typically only 4 – 5 miles apart. 
For fuel, I was going to replenish each time we saw Jan, Pam, and Audrey, which was about every 13 miles.  No prob.

Here's a picture from Friday in Sacramento after we picked up our race numbers and had dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory.  We stayed in Auburn Friday night with Pam’s brother, Steve, and his wife and kids.  Had a great time hanging out with them.  Got in perhaps more sleep than I expected.  Got up early and we all headed to the start area back in Sacramento.  As we’re driving there, Jan remarks, “boy, this is a long way!”  Yup.
The weather was cooperative this weekend.  Supposed to be about 45 degrees at the start, and end up in the low 60’s. 

Nothing too eventful prior to the start as we said our goodbyes.

Getting ready to head over to the start line.
At 6:00, it was still very dark.  Fortunately, the moon was shining brightly.  

Before I know it, WE’RE OFF !
I had told Jim and Bryan several times that I don’t have a problem starting slow and that they are usually the ones going out faster than I’d like.  But there were soooooo many people in front of us (why couldn’t they seed themselves farther back?) that we were weaving in and out just to even go around 11:00.  We ended making it around though and did the first mile in 10:07.  Mellow.
Jim, Bryan and I pretty much stuck together despite having to weave through the crowd.

Bryan and I were a bit ahead of Jim when we came upon Jerry waiting to take some photos, which I think was around mile 1.   Shortly after, the sky was already getting brighter.

Here's a picture of Jerry.  (Since he took ALL THE PHOTOS ON THIS BLOG, and tons of other ones too, there wasn't any of him from race day.)  Best photographer - IN THE WORLD !  (

Anywhoooooo - the paved trail along the American River was very pretty.  Lots of trees.  I was pleasantly surprised.  Bryan and I were moving right along at a mellow pace just like the miles and miles we trained. 

Then I noticed fairly early on some sort of “Charlie horse” in my left quad.  What ???  I’d never had a tweak in that area before.  Odd.  I wasn’t too worried though since I have learned in these endurance things, you might feel a pain here or there that goes away after a bit.

A bit later I noticed a “hot spot” on the bottom of my right foot, on the ball of the foot.  Again, something that hadn’t cropped up in training, but I didn’t freak out.  Next to the paved trail was a dirt portion.  I tried running on that to see if it would help with the hot spot.  IT DID!  So if it acted up again, I just ran on the trail part.  Ok, nice adjustment.

I was right on schedule with pace, nutrition and hydration.  They even had trash cans along the route so I could dump my used gels (GU).  Cool.

Right after the 10 mi. mark, Bryan started his run 10:00 and walk 1:00 strategy.  I just kept the same pace going so we ended up separating.  At the 14 mi. water stop was Jan, the girls and Jerry.  I took off my long sleeve shirt and put on the short sleeve one Jan had for me.  I felt great and was all smiles.  Away I went.

Changed into my short sleeve shirt now that the temp was picking up.
Got to the 13 mi. mark well under 2 hr.  Again, right on schedule and feeling good.  The weather was great.

Prior to the “marathon mark”, they had these signs posted of the story of Pheidippides, who ran from the battlefield to Athens to announce their victory – and then died.  I reached the marathon at like 3:58.  I felt great and was all smiles as I got to where Jan and the girls were.  Changed my socks and shoes.  I genuinely felt good. Away I went all smiles. 

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More Body Glide, some toe socks, and on go the trail shoes.

Not doing too bad after having finished a marathon at this point.
I was glad mentally to be on the trails.  Something new.  I think I’m stronger than most on the trails so I felt kind of like this was my turf.

But my left quad issue had not gone away.  Instead of just “being there”, now it was starting to hurt.  And that hot spot was back – only now it was getting worse.  By mile 32 or 33, I was in pain.  I had taken some Aleve but that wasn’t helping.  By about mile 35, I was forced to walk.  And even that hurt.  And it hurt BAD.  I could muster up the will to throw in some jogging on occasion.  And that hurt.  I sent Jan a text to let her know I was having foot problems and would need different socks.  Bryan passed me at mile 36.  My mental strength was weakening as well by each passing 100 yards.  I had held off the “negative thoughts” as long as I could, but I eventually gave in.  Jan texted me asking how I was doing.  “Struggling” was my reply.

I was planning to pack it in at the 41 mile water stop where Jan would be waiting.  I didn’t exactly know what “pack it in” meant, to be honest, since I didn’t know where I was planning on having Jan drive me to (especially since she was driving Pam and Audrey around).  I guess I wasn’t thinking too clearly at that point.  Go figure.  I just felt sooooo frustrated that everything had fallen apart around me.  And the trail is so narrow that I had to keep pulling over and stopping to allow the runners behind me to pass.  UGH!  Where is that &*!*$%!  41 mi. stop for crying out loud? 

So I finally got there.  OMG.  That took forever.  I was in a deep mental funk.  Discouraged.  I sat down.  I vaguely recall Jan telling me that I’d be able to make it the remaining 9 miles and me telling her, politely I’m sure, that she was wrong.  


Jerry and Pam must have realized Jan was not getting anywhere with me.  And the two of them started some Jedi-mind tricks (“these are not the droids you’re looking for”).  The next thing I knew, I had changed my socks and was standing up and Jerry was continuing to say “the force is strong with you”, and Pam was walking me out of the water stop and pointing out some stupid-ass sign that said “Pain is negative energy leaving your body”.  Whoever wrote that crap, I’d like to meet and, if I had enough negative energy, punch you in the face!  Really.

Pam used her Jedi-mind tricks on me and is now escorting me out of the rest stop.
So then I’m actually running, yes running.  And wasn’t feel too bad.  The left quad was hurting, but my right foot was feeling fine.  YES!  “I’m back in the saddle again.  I’M BACK!” Ran for about 2-3 miles fairly steady.  But that feeling of euphoria came to an end.  I was back to walking and was in pain.  And now my nutrition and hydration were out of whack, so my stomach was feeling queasy.  Somewhere around mile 45 Jim passed me and tried to talk me into running with him.  I said he should just go.  Those miles took forever.  Literally.  But I just kept thinking of Pam’s mantra, “Relentless Forward Progress”.  So even though I was walking really, really slowly, I was still moving forward.

At the end of the single track trail it opens up to a fire road with a steep hill. And I mean steep.  Everything had fallen apart.  Because of how slow I was walking, my two water bottles weren’t really enough to last from one water stop to the next.  Stupid me because I had given Jan two extra ones for such an occasion but I didn’t think to ask for them.  Duh.  So I text Jan and ask her to come down the hill and HELP, and bring water.

These ladies pass and ask if I’m ok.  No, I’m not ok.  I’m not anywhere remotely near being ok.  My black shirt wasn’t helping as the temps were now around 65 degrees, warming than anything we’d trained it.  Help, I’m melting !  My black shirt had so much salt residue on it that everyone was thinking I need salt capsules.  I didn’t and had been on top of that.  But I was sure sweating a lot.  I ask these ladies if they have any extra water.  Another stupid move since they’re wearing camel backs.  Anyway, they are walking at a much faster pace than I am so that’s the last I see of them.

Those ladies make it to the next water stop and must have said something because this guy comes flying down the hill and is coming right towards me.  So they must have said, “this guy needs water and you can’t miss him because he’s the one who looks like death warmed over”.  This young guy grabs my empty bottles and boom, he’s gone back up the hill.  Then just a minute later the guy is flying back down the hill and gives me my water bottles.  ICE COLD!  Oh yeah. 

To say I’m walking up the hill is using the word “walking” loosely.  I wasn’t exactly staggering though, so that’s good.  Hobbling?  Perhaps.  So I eventually make it to the Last Gasp water stop, just past the 47 mi mark.  OMG.  There is no way I can continue.  My will is gone.  The main guy there asks me what I want.  “A chair”, I say.  “Sorry, we don’t have any because we don’t want anyone to stay here”.  What???  That didn’t seem very hospitable to me.  Ever being the lawyer, I “negotiated” and got him to lower the tailgate on his truck.  (Yes, I think it was white).  He engaged me in conversation, I think to make sure I was not hallucinating.  (No, that happened back when I signed up for this thing). They got me some good drinks and banana slices.  I told him Jan was on her way down.  He said, “great, why don’t you leave right now and meet her up the hill.”  It wasn’t really so much a “question” as it was an “order”.  What kind of host is he for crying out loud.  I mean, really. 

About a half mile later, I collapsed.  Nah, just kidding, but got you, didn’t I?  That’s when I met up with Jan.  So she inter-locks arms with me and we’re walking, and I mean walking fast.  My legs are complaining but I don’t think Jan cared.  At some point this mother of a hill tapers off a bit and Jan is telling me we’re going to run.  Oh no, I can’t.  Again – with the Jedi-mind tricks and the next thing, yes, we’re jogging.  And we kept that going until the hill got super steep again.  And then again with the power walking thing.  And when that tapered again, we’re back to the running. 

I actually kept it going at that point until this sort of driveway which is about 200 yards.  I ran about half way up it and then walked to the top.  Then I ran again across this parking lot, to the street, up onto the grass and down this grass path to the Finish Line.  DONE !!!  11:38.

11:38 is the time per the chip I'm wearing on my shoe.

Jerry, Pam, Audrey, Bryan and Jim were there.  
This is just a minute after I finished. So I wasn't doing too bad. Lots of salt on the shirt though.

About a minute later Jan made it back. 

 I actually didn’t feel too bad.  Stomach was fine.  Just my legs were dead. Go figure.  Jerry took lots of group pictures and we all looked pretty good.  Just glad to have finished. 

I felt disappointment over not being able to execute on my Plan A, or even Plan B.  But after a couple of days, my negative thoughts and disappointment passed.  I reflected on what an epic experience it was, and appreciate the bond we will all share forever!  It was only through Jan’s encouragement, love and support, that I was able to step up to that starting line.  So it was only fitting that it was her encouragement, love and support that got me from mile 47 to the Finish Line!